Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Easy way to ge an iPhone 3g, no lines no waiting!!

There are dozens of articles and posts each day that describe the runaway success of the new iPhone 3g. The issue is, its very hard to get one. Spotty supply and long lines make it very hard for many people to get an iPhone 3g as they do not have 4-5 hours to wait in line with the Apple faithful, but still there are a lot of people who still want the phone. Well folks there is a better way. Go in to ANY AT&T wireless store, they will tell you they are sold out, however, if you place a "direct fulfillment order" at the store while you are there AT&T will order you an iPhone 3g in black or white and have it send directly to the store reserved in your name. Once you new iPhone arrives (week to 10 days) you simply stop on by the AT&T store to activate and pick up your brand new, no waiting in line iPhone 3g. This is far easier than dedicating half a day to standing in line! that is is, its just that easy.

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